PALS Social Skills Learning Program

Children are worth the effort Today, Tomorrow and Beyond.


Playing and Learning to socialise

Introduction to families

Session 1 Greeting Others (Term 1 Week 6 )

Session 2 Taking Turns: Talking and Listening (Week 7)

Session 3 Taking turns at play (Week 8)

Session 4 Sharing (Week 9)

Session 5 Asking for Help (Week 10)

Session 6 Identifying Feelings (Term 2 Week 2)

Session 7 Empathy (Week 3)

Session 8 Overcoming Fear and Anxiety (Week 4)

Session 9 Managing Frustration (Week 5)

Session 10 Calming Down and Speaking Up (Week 6)

The above dates are for the 2017 Program and Plan.

If you would like further information please visit or read the Program information here.